RIP Medical Debt

RIP Medical Debt

The authors donate all royalties from End Medical Debt to RIP Medical Debt.

RIP Medical Debt is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit national charity based in New York, incorporated in 2014, which locates, buys and forgives unpayable medical debt for those burdened by financial hardship.

RIP to date has abolished more than $700 million in medical debt in all 50 states. The charity supports communities across the country in conducting local medical debt forgiveness campaigns. They have a special interest in forgiving the medical debt of veterans.

RIP buys large batches of medical billing accounts in “portfolios” for about a penny on the dollar, so donations to RIP deliver “a lot of bang for the buck.” A $100 donation can forgive $10,000 in debt.

RIP cannot yet forgive medical debt for individuals on request, but people in need can apply for future debt relief at the RIP website by joining the Debt Forgiveness Registry. Surprised people who receive in the mail a yellow RIP envelope enjoy no tax consequences from the charitable gift. Debt forgiveness from RIP is a freely given “random act of kindness.”

For more information, visit